First Sunday of Advent
Be prepared for the coming of Christ.
Second Sunday of Advent
Repent for the forgiveness of sins.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Like Mary, we must carry the presence of Christ to others.
Christmas Day
We must become little like Jesus.
Holy Family
The Holy Family teaches us how to love as God's family.
Mary, Mother of God
What gift are we going to bring to Jesus?
Baptism of Jesus
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Jesus honors both his parents.
Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
The greatest of these is love.
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Leaving everything, they followed him.
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.
First Sunday of Lent
Jesus teaches us how to conquer temptation.
Second Sunday of Lent
Third Sunday of Lent
Fourth Sunday of Lent
We must return to the house of our Father.
Fifth Sunday of Lent
We must return to the house of our Father.
Palm Sunday
Good Friday
This is the wood of the Cross.
Easter Sunday
If we have died with Christ, we shall live with him.
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Third Sunday of Easter
Fourth Sunday of Easter
I have made you a light to the Gentiles.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Love one another as I have loved you.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Whoever loves me will keep my word.
He was taken from their sight.
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Trinity Sunday
The family is the icon of the Trinity.
Corpus Christi
Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
Forgiveness enables us to love.
Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time
You are children of God in Christ Jesus.
Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
For freedom Christ has set us free.
Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
May I glory only in the Cross of Christ.
Olivia McCoppin Funeral
God loves the little children.
Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
I am filling up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ.
Feast of St. Benedict
St. Benedict shows us a more excellent way.
Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
He will receive it because of his persistence.
Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Our lives do not consist in possessions.
Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Through faith, we receive the promise of God.
Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant
Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time
Strive to enter through the narrow gate.
Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
Know the cost of discipleship.
Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Christ came into the world to save sinners.
Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Twenty-eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time
How do we give thanks to Jesus?
Twenty-ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Solemnity of All Saints
With the saints, we participate in the heavenly liturgy.
Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time
We must invite Jesus to stay at our home.
Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time
In the coming age, they neither marry nor are given in marriage.
Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
Solemnity of Christ the King